Hide Next Stage, Set Active, Back Button in the Business Process Flows

I have a requirement in my current project that hide Next Stage, Set Active and Back button in the Business Process Flows

To do that, I used an UnSupported code code below

function hideBPFButton() {
    window.addEventListener("resize", hideBPFButtons);

function hideBPFButtons() {
    var dom = (Xrm == undefined || Xrm.Internal == undefined || Xrm.Internal.isTurboForm() == undefined || Xrm.Internal.isTurboForm() == false) ? document : parent.document;
    $("#stageSetActiveActionContainer", dom).remove();
    $("#stageBackActionContainer", dom).remove();
    $("#stageNavigateActionContainer", dom).remove();
    setTimeout(function () { $("#processStagesContainer", dom).width(1894); }, 50);

In the form OnLoad, call function


Before apply code

Before apply code

After apply code

After apply code

How to code: change stage, set active

  • Client side: check Xrm.Page.data.process and Xrm.Page.ui.process
  • Server side: reference 3 fields: processid, stageid and traversedpath: in the entity record

The following code query processid by Process Name in the entity workflow

<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0">
  <entity name="workflow">
    <attribute name="workflowid">
    <filter type="and">
      <condition attribute="type" operator="eq" value="1">
      <condition attribute="category" operator="eq" value="4">
      <condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="yyyyyy">

The following code query stageid by processid and Stage Name in entity processstage

<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0">
  <entity name="processstage">
    <attribute name="processstageid">
    <filter type="and">
      <condition attribute="processid" operator="eq" value="xxxxxx">
      <condition attribute="stagename" operator="eq" value="yyyyyy">

Checked, Tested work with CRM2016, CRM2016 SP1, CRM2016 Online

UnSupported code, use it with your own risk.

Add more buttons on the form subgrid

Sometime, your business requirement need add some buttons in the form sub-grid like picture below (Account form, sub-grid Contacts). Add more buttons

How I can do that

1. Prepare 2 web-resource png image 16x16 file.

  • 1 for normal button
  • 1 for hover button

2. Copy function below to your main js web-resource file.

function createButton(grid, buttonName, buttonTooltip, buttonImage, buttonImageHover, callback) {
    if (grid == null || grid.length == 0) return;
    if (buttonName == null || buttonName.length == 0) return;
    if (buttonImage == null || buttonImage.length == 0) return;
    var dom = (Xrm == undefined || Xrm.Internal == undefined || Xrm.Internal.isTurboForm() == undefined || Xrm.Internal.isTurboForm() == false) ? document : parent.document;
    var button = dom.getElementById(grid + "_addImageButton");
    if (button == null || button.parentNode == null || button.parentNode.parentNode == null) return;
    var tooltip = "";
    if (buttonTooltip != null && buttonTooltip.length > 0)
        tooltip = " title='" + buttonTooltip + "' alt='" + buttonTooltip + "' ";
    var div = dom.createElement("div");
    div.className = "ms-crm-contextButton";
    div.innerHTML = "<a href='#' id='" + buttonName +"' style='display:block;cursor:pointer;'" + tooltip + "><img id='"+ buttonName +"Image' src='" + buttonImage + "'" + tooltip + "></a>";
    if (buttonImageHover != null) {
        dom.getElementById(buttonName).onmouseover = function () {
            dom.getElementById(buttonName + "Image").src = buttonImageHover;
        dom.getElementById(buttonName).onmouseout = function () {
            dom.getElementById(buttonName + "Image").src = buttonImage;
    dom.getElementById(buttonName).onclick = callback;

3. On the on-load form, add the following code to add button to form sub-grid.

createButton("Contacts", "btnViewChart", "View Chart", "../WebResources/pl_chart.png", "../WebResources/pl_chart_hover.png", function() {
    alert("View Chart Click");

Function parameters

  • grid: is the name of the sub-grid you add on form, in this case: Contacts, (required)
  • buttonName: because you can add more buttons, so you need enter the unique buttonName, in this case: btnViewChart (required)
  • buttonTooltip: the tooltip of this button, in this case: View Chart (optional)
  • buttonImage: the normal image button that you prepare in step 1, in this case: ../WebResources/pl_chart.png (required)
  • buttonImageHover: the hover button that you prepare in step 1, in this case: ../WebResources/pl_chart_hover.png (optional)
  • callback: a callback function after user click on button. (required)

4. Published and tested. I already tested on CRM2016 SP1 and CRM2016 Online.


UnSupported code, use it with your own risk.

Get size of all tables in database

Sometime you need to get size of all tables in database. This SQL code will help you.

      [RowCount] INT ,
      [TableName] NVARCHAR(MAX)
      [Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) ,
      [Rows] INT ,
      [Reserverd] NVARCHAR(MAX) ,
      [Data] NVARCHAR(MAX) ,
      [IndexSize] NVARCHAR(MAX) ,
      [Unused] NVARCHAR(MAX)
INSERT  INTO @tmpTable
        ( [RowCount] ,
        SELECT  [RowCount] = MAX(si.rows) ,
                [TableName] = so.name
        FROM    sysobjects so ,
                sysindexes si
        WHERE   so.xtype = 'U'
                AND si.id = OBJECT_ID(so.name)
        GROUP BY so.name
        ORDER BY 2 DESC
    @tablename VARCHAR(MAX)
@cursor = cursor for
select [TableName] from @tmpTable
OPEN @cursor
WHILE 1 = 1
        FETCH FROM @cursor INTO @tablename
        IF @@fetch_status <> 0
        INSERT  INTO @ResultTable
                ( [Name] ,
                  [Rows] ,
                  [Reserverd] ,
                  [Data] ,
                  [IndexSize] ,
                EXEC sp_spaceused @tablename
SELECT  [Name] ,
        ROUND(( CAST(REPLACE(data, ' KB', '') AS FLOAT) / 1024 ), 2) AS DataInMb ,
        [Rows] ,
        [Reserverd] ,
        [Data] ,
        [IndexSize] ,
FROM    @ResultTable

And here the result after you run this SQL code.

Get size of all tables result


Get years, months, days between 2 date

Sometime you want get how many years, months, days from 2 date.

The UDF here help you

    @d1 DATETIME,
    @d2 DATETIME
    IF (@d1 >= @d2) RETURN '0 day'  
    SET @y = DATEDIFF(yy, @d1, @d2) - CASE WHEN (MONTH(@d1) > MONTH(@d2)) OR (MONTH(@d1) = MONTH(@d2) AND DAY(@d1) > DAY(@d2)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    SET @d1 = DATEADD(yy, @y, @d1)
    SET @m = DATEDIFF(m, @d1, @d2) - CASE WHEN DAY(@d1) > DAY(@d2) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    SET @d1 = DATEADD(m, @m, @d1)
    SET @d = DATEDIFF(d, @d1, @d2)
    IF @y <> 0
        IF @y = 1
            SET @ret = '1 year '
            SET @ret = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), @y) + ' years '
    IF @m <> 0
        IF @m = 1
            SET @ret = @ret + '1 month '
            SET @ret = @ret + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), @m) + ' months '
    IF @d <> 0
        IF @d = 1
            SET @ret = @ret + '1 day'
            SET @ret = @ret + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), @d) + ' days'
    RETURN @ret

And the result from my birthday until to 11-08-2013

Get years, months, days between